Goals and Performance

You want to take your fitness to another level or simply get back to exercise and improve your health, we will work together to reach your goal with an adapted program.

Train with me and experience energizing and unique workouts !


Fat Loss

Forget the old way to workout and train like an athlete. Discover a new method to reach your aims. In a circuit style, mixing cardio training, dynamics moves and functional training to get to the best results.

Lean Mass Gain

Increase your lean mass with an adapted programmation composed of strength training, mobility and functional movement to create a stronger and more efficient version of yourself.

Athletic/specific Performance

You are an athlete or you plan a specific performance, come train with me to increase your abilities in your sport or be ready for your due date. Strength, speed, explosivity… Develop your strong points and improve your weaknesses.


You were injured, get back quickly and safely to your discipline or daily activities with a suitable training program. We will work together for your reathletisation and a functional rehabilitation.